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Bred-By ElKens


Some fantastic dogs that were bred-by us!


Our Dancer [CH ElKens Fire Dancer] was the first female FoxRed in AKC's history to achieve a Championship Title!


Our Hotsie [BOSS GCH ElKens She's A Hottie} was the second female FoxRed in AKC's history to achieve a Championship Title and the 1st to accomplish a Grand CH title!


Tobasco [Eng CH Wynfaul Tabasco SGWC] born in 1986, is regarded as one of the founding fathers of the present-time Fox Reds... His â€‹Great-Great Grandson Willie [*Eng CH pt'd* Little River Redheaded Stranger] born in 2003, is the Great-Great Grandfather to our Ford [BISS GCH ElKens Forged In Fire] born in 2016.


Click on their names to go to their pages

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